Get website addresses and other information about local Senior Centers
Here you can find a list of support groups around the area available to Platte County seniors
Links to websites and organizations that may help you get along in an increasingly online world
Preserve your memories of the past, present, and thoughts for the future! This bestselling volume has been revised, updated, and redesigned.
CAPABLE is a five-month program that provides one-on-one care in your home.
The Missouri Senior Report identified injuries from falls as the number one cause of death or nursing home admission in Platte County.
Get help with Medicare Part D, Pharmacy Deliveries, and Medication Management Services.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide provides in-person and virtual tax assistance to anyone, free of charge, with a focus on taxpayers who are over 50 and have low to moderate income.
National Council on Aging’s Center for Healthy Aging serves as a resource center for states and local communities offering Stanford University’s Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs with support from the U.S. Administration for Community Living’s Administration on Aging.
2025 Income Guidelines — Get the new co-pay guidelines (effective as of 1/1/2025)